5 Good Reasons Your Child Should Play An Instrument!

Your Child Should Be Playing an Instrument: 5 Important Reasons Why

Some of the most prominent benefits of introducing your child to playing music while they’re young may seem obvious. Playing music is an excellent activity for a child to be involved with; it can sharpen their skills and senses while they’re spending a lot of time having fun doing it. It is an enriching thing for them to invest their energy and effort into, and it will be something they will be able to carry with them all through their lives. The benefits of their involvement with music span widely, some of the positive effects are immediate, and some will take time – regardless of the time it takes, music is a beautiful thing to pass onto your children. Here are five reasons we believe you should buy your child an instrument as soon as they can hold one – even if you don’t play one.

1.       Learning to Play Music Teaches Important Life Skills

Becoming comfortable on an instrument can happen within a year of steady practice. To become incredibly talented with one can take much longer. No matter how good someone wants to get at playing, learning the fundamentals takes time, and most importantly, takes patience. Children will eventually learn that great things take time to build up, and if learning to play an instrument helps them experience that, they would have discovered it very honestly! Along with patience, they will be learning to persevere. Some of the first accomplishments a musician experiences feel like some of the biggest. Experiencing these first milestones can be a huge motivator and teach them that if they work hard and follow-through, they really can make their dreams come true!

2.       Music Is a Good Way to Get Your Child Thinking

When you first start learning music, it is like entering a new world of numbers and letters – like learning a new language. Luckily, children are comparable to sponges in the way they can quickly learn and retain information. There is no better time to introduce new concepts to a human! Learning music will undoubtedly result in them thinking in new ways and expanding their ability to process information. While being introduced to the structure behind a song, they will simultaneously practice their math and reading skills – an ideal way to get a mental workout while having a lot of fun.

3.       Nurtures Self-Confidence

To make progress doing something as challenging as playing an instrument is highly gratifying. Attempting to learn a complex piece of music the first time and failing is expected, but there is nothing like knowing you failed before, trying again, and succeeding! Practicing the habit of trying hard for something you want until you achieve your goal overlaps with all types of challenges through life! The confidence and ability to always try again are necessary through all parts of life. A serious confidence booster is building something to be proud of that you accomplished through your hard work – this comes inherently through the time and effort it takes to get comfortable on an instrument. Eventually, your child may even want to play some of their music in front of a crowd, which brings a ton of fresh opportunities for them to grow, learn, socialize, and have fun!

4.       Nurtures Self-Expression

All manner of children can be very positively affected by music. All children will, through music, be practicing a new way to communicate and express themselves. Discovering new forms of expression can have a significant impact on their self-identity, interests, and happiness! Opening up their creativity can lead anywhere – in any walk of life or industry, creativity is a serious asset. When you are young, it is the best time to start practicing being creative. Aligning with the last point, they will be gaining the confidence to express themselves in a way they possibly hadn’t had before.

5.       Instills a Sense of Community

The passion for and enjoyment gained from music has no age limit. A 15-year-old singer can sing music enjoyed by people in their 70s. Some of the most famous musicians from the 20th century are 75+ and are deeply loved by 19-year old’s of today. The point is: music connects us in a way that nothing else does. It creates a sense of community that, more often than not, includes everyone. Your child will most definitely become more connected to themselves and to others who play music the more passionate they grow about it. A terrific way to begin increasing musical alliances is through guitar lessons! Guitar lessons help with social skills while teaching coordination and collaboration through the learning and practice of guitar. There are not many better ways to learn an instrument than playing with people who have been doing it longer!

Take it from us, music is highly therapeutic, and it has done us a lot of good in our lives! We want to help spread the joy and love that is playing music. Most musicians only wish they started playing earlier, and even if we didn’t keep playing had we started younger – we 100% believe any time spent doing it would have been worth it.
